Sunday, 26 February 2012

Client Project

Task: Design and build an artist / arts organisation website. This will be a website and related mobilised website* which will act as a promotional tool for an artistic individual or organisation and which will increase both profile and online traffic for the client.

My client for this project is a friend [Nicola] who studies Interactive Media at Lincoln University, but doesn't have the time to create her own portfolio.

Having spoken to Nicola, telling her what I am capable of creating, she has decided on a horizontal, one page layout, with the following colour scheme:

She has also stated that she wants a Home Page, an About Page, A Portfolio Page, a Blog link and a Contact Page.

I have begun to create the wireframes, as shown below:

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Portfolio Wireframes

Since my last post, I have created wireframes as shown below...

Additionally, I have begun creating my portfolio. Below is a screenshot of the home page...

I have chosen to use fixed navigation at the top of the page. This means it will always remain at the top, even when the user scrolls down. The primary advantage of this is that it will always be accessible.

A second feature I have used is the Javascript scroller (which was made available online), to display recent work. The main problem encountered here was that it only functioned in Chrome and Firefox. This was a main disadvantage to Internet Explorer users. To solve this problem, I enquired about it on a Jquery/Javascript forum. A user shortly reply saying  a comma was not needed in the code. Having removed the comma, the scroller worked in all three browsers!

P.S. I also updated the layout of my blog to fit in with my portfolio!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


For Context 2, I am required to create a Portfolio to present my work. Even if this wasn't an assignment, I would still create one - to get my name out there and expand my network. I've recently purchased my domain name, so it should be up and running soon!

This is the colour scheme I have chosen to use. Having researched current portfolios, I believe the majority of them have a simple appearance, with a limited number of colours. I have chosen to make mine pretty colourful to represent me as a person!

Above is the logo I intend to use on my site. I created this using Adobe Illustrator and by following online tutorials on how to make 3D text. This is the first time I have created something "graphicy" and I am pleased with the outcome!

After having created my logo and decided on the colour scheme, I created a mock-up of the Home Page, as shown below:

However, I am currently unsure on whether to create each page individually and link them up, or to try something new and create a one page website.