For this assignment, I was required to produce a station Ident animation, using 3ds Max, which represents me.
Prior to having begun to create the Ident, I thought about what theme it could have, in addition to what I am capable of creating on a piece of software I have not used before. I came up with a tennis theme, as I see this as a hobby, although I am not on a team.
I then carried out some research into current station Idents, in particular BBC2. I used some of their ideas and adapted them to form my own. For example, BBC2 use a 3D effect on the number two. Therefore I have used this idea, and added a Bevel effect to the text used.
(Below are my design ideas)
Also on a BBC3 Ident, a 3D figure has been made to full use, in order to maintain audience interest. I have used this idea and included a 3D object in my Ident, which is the tennis ball. To make it obvious that the object is a tennis ball, I have chosen to colour the object yellow and add the white markings.
Additionally, I chose to include a tennis court, containing the white markings. This enables it to be obvious to the audience what the theme is about and what programmes are about to follow (i.e. sports programmes). Furthermore I have made use of sound, found on the internet. Together the sound, ball and court work together to generate a meaning.
Throughout the Ident the tennis ball interacts with the text. To achieve this I created it, for example, so that the ball bounces off the ground and onto the text, forcing it down. I believe this is visually attractive and maintains audience interest because they will want to know what happens next.
very good for first attmept at 3d. (it is the first attempt at 3d isn't it?) looking forward to your design practice 2 3d project now